"Doctor" Jakeyla Reed, DNP flaunts her critical care "training", takes dump on Internal Medicine physicians
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This ridiculously arrogant NP is full of so much hot air that she needs an endotracheal tube hooked up to continuous suction, stat!

Recently, a noctor by the name of Jakeyla Reed started making waves on the internet after posting a couple of videos on her TikTok that numerous physicians found to be highly offensive and misleading. Ms. Reed, who has a "doctorate" of nursing practice, appears to have a sizable following of 121,000 users on the Chinese spy operation social media platform. As such, we're sure she won't mind the extra publicity we're giving her!
No! I am Dr. Jakeyla Reed, ACNP, I have a doctorate in nursing practice, and I specialize in critical care. I also have full practice authority in my state. I also do locum work overseeing and running an ICU independently at eight hospitals.
With that being said, I am the person you call when you need to admit somebody to the unit. I am the person you have to call to get vent orders because you don't have the privilege to do that. I'm also the person to call when it's time to intubate somebody because you don't have the privilege to do that either.
Oh wait, yes, I also own a med spa. Can't leave that out. I did not create the scope of practice that I hold. So you are clearly mad at the wrong person.
Transcribed by OpenAI Whisper

Everyone should stay in their lane of training. You know what? I'm gonna go ahead and agree with you on this, including yourself. You are a internal medicine doc, right? In the event of an emergency, in-patient setting, in ICU -- Who is more clinically competent to stabilize the patient? An internal medicine doc who has no critical care experience, or a 20-year-old? I'm gonna say [a] five-year vet, ECMO trained, CCRT-trained, CCRN-trained RN.
So at the end of the day, it's not about degrees. It's about competency, skill set, training, experience, and said environment. But we both know this whole fight isn't an NP versus MD fight. This is an MD to MD fight. MDs fight against each other and internal medicine docs are viewed as the lowest totem pole of physicians. Cardiologists, nephrologists, surgeons just don't respect internal medicine docs. I see it all the time. So is your need to feel superior to NP really rooted in a deep inferiority complex that you feel amongst your MD colleagues?
Transcribed by OpenAI Whisper
Ohhhhh boy. Noctor Jakeyla has certainly given us no shortage of comedic material to unpack here! Hey, you know who else has a doctorate (in actual fucking medicine, not nursing), has full practice authority, and also specializes in critical care? How about an MD/DO who has completed 4 years of medical school, 3-4 years of residency in internal medicine, emergency medicine, or anesthesiology, and another 1-2 years of critical care medicine (CCM) fellowship? And while we're on the topic of medical training, we find Noctor Jakeyla's gross misunderstanding of the topic hilarious. Does Noctor Jakeyla even realize that the ACGME literally mandates critical care training for internal medicine residents? And what's this about 20-year-olds? Does she even realize that the average age of matriculating medical students is 24, and that the average age of a critical care intensivist is 48? What is this midlevel smoking? Hopefully she understands ventilator settings better than she understands physician training. Not that we'd really trust a midlevel to safely manage a vent or intubate a patient, especially one that obtained their degree from the diploma mill esteemed institution known as Walden University. We are unable to verify her claim that she "[oversees] and [runs] an ICU independently at eight hospitals", but if true, we find that statement nothing short of horrifying.

So what does it even mean for a nurse to "specialize" in critical care? In her second video, Noctor Jakeyla seems to be very proud that she is a "five-year vet" with "ECMO training" and CCRT and CCRN certifications. Well, guess what Jakeyla, your five years as a nursing "vet" pales in comparison to a board-eligible/board-certified CCM attending physician with 6-8 years of medical training. We're willing to bet our life that a critical care physician would know a thing or two about ECMO as well!

Speaking of vets, it took us a while to figure out what Noctor Jakeyla was possibly referring to when she mentioned her "CCRT" training. According to Google, CCRT stands for "Certified Canine Rehabilitation Therapist", which seems fitting because no well-informed patient (especially one who reads Midlevel.WTF ๐) would let a midlevel nurse practitioner take care of their loved ones. But then again, none of our staff writers would even trust a midlevel (especially an arrogant one like Noctor Jakeyla) to take care of our pet dog or cat. On a more serious note, our best guess is that CCRT stands for something like "Critical Care (Rapid) Response Team", which is just a fancy, glorified name for an in-hospital code team. A team which is usually led by a physician, of course!
And as much as us physicians like to argue with other physicians (cough cardiology cough nephrology), especially our colleagues in other specialties, it's all in good fun. At the end of the day, we all know our roles - too bad we can't say the same about midlevels, especially nurse practitioners "practicing at the top of their license". Internists, cardiologists, nephrologists, and surgeons all have important jobs, and certainly, no medical specialty could exist in a vacuum. Where does Noctor Jaquela think Ortho admits their patients to when they have a medical problem? Certainly not their own service! (Joking, joking...mostly. ๐) By contrast, the establishment of medicine could certainly exist without midlevels, as evidenced by the healthcare system in many other countries. Needless to say, the lowest profession on the healthcare totem pole isn't occupied by internal medicine physicians - it's occupied by nurse practitioners. And in terms of respect and prestige, NPs are barely hanging on to said totem pole, because most sane people would agree that PAs are one rung higher.
Of course, no article about midlevels would be complete without some mention of "med spa", Botox, or cosmetics and skin care. Indeed, we would be remiss not to bring some extra publicity to Noctor Jakeyla's burgeoning med spa business, "Dr. Diva Aesthetics", in Downers Grove, IL.
You are so upset that I'm a nurse practitioner you will maliciously try to hurt my business?
So someone from social media got so upset for my last tiktok, [that] they went and found my business and gave me a one star rating and left this comments: "I am not an MD or DO", and also brought down my very perfect five star rating.
So this is the comment. Pause to read --
So the fact that someone will go this length because they don't like something you said on social media is mind-boggling. I have so much to say about this, but let me know what you're thinking in the comments.
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Evidently, per Noctor Jakeyla's latest video, we weren't the first ones to lavish Dr. Diva Aesthetics with attention. Why does she specifically think that a resident did this? Did it not occur to her that an army of attending physicians across multiple specialties is already pissed? Oh well, we can't blame her - certainly, most midlevel non-physician practitioners are not known for their stellar clinical acumen. In any case, we find it pretty funny that she got this butthurt about a negative Google review (one, we might add, that is totally true). Get with the times, Jakeyla! It's called getting canceled, or cancel culture, or whatever you want to call it. It's just the cost of doing business these days.

And make no mistake, Dr. Diva Aesthetics is certainly intended to be a profit-oriented venture, as evidenced by the multiple TikTok videos she's made about how lucrative the med-spa industry is (including one where she brags about making $15,000 a day).

Ironically, Noctor Jakeyla also made a TikTok video about the shortage of primary care physicians and the historical origins of the nurse practitioner role being created by pediatrician Henry K. Silver, MD and nurse Loretta Ford, EdD in the 1960s to address the "gap" in primary care for children. A gap that's now intended to be filled with Botox by midlevels, apparently.

Nowhere in the original 1967 article, of course, do the authors mention or encourage midlevel nurse practitioners to go off the reservation and (ab)use their full practice authority to start med-spas. Silver and Ford specifically wrote the following:
...the nurses' educational program involves the application of the nursesโ newly acquired knowledge and skills in field offices in areas with many residents of low socioeconomic status who have an obvious need for improved and augmented health care.
And it's crystal-clear that they definitely did not intend for NPs to practice independently without physician supervision.
Frequent communication is maintained with the Medical Center which continues to provide supervision, consultation, and support of the activities of the nurses, as well as continuing the evaluation of the skills they have acquired.
So much for practicing team-based primary care and putting patients over profits, eh Noctor Jakeyla?