News Featured California DNP gets slammed with $20,000 fine for calling herself a "doctor" Hopefully, this groundbreaking case against California DNP Sarah Erny will set a precedent nationwide for legislators and law enforcement to pursue, prosecute, and punish nurse practitioners and other midlevel providers who attempt to fraudulently represent themselves as doctors/physicians.
Stories PA insisted on seeing my daughter despite my repeated requests for a physician As a patient, remember that you always have the right to ask to be seen by a physician. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Even on Thanksgiving.
News Alaska nurse practitioner convicted on 10 felony counts after prescribing ~4.5 million opioids 51-year-old midlevel NP Jessica Joyce Spayd of Eagle River prescribed ~4.5 million opioids with little to no medical justification causing addiction, suffering and deaths across Alaska.
Noctor Featured Halloween midlevel meme compilation A collection of our favorite Spirit of Halloween midlevel memes scavenged from the internet, featuring NPs, NP students, PMHNPs, DNPs, PAs, and CRNAs!
Social Media Consults Women's Health NP is "at a lost" on urinalysis and cultures If you have no idea how to interpret a female patient's urinalysis or urine culture and decide whether or not she needs treatment, you have no business working in Women's Health.
News Featured Louisiana psychiatric NP arrested for third degree rape Louisiana sheriff's detectives arrested PMHNP Brennan C. Bergeron, 29, after receiving a complaint that he allegedly raped a victim during an office visit at a local health care facility.
Nurse Practitioner Pompous PMHNP cries about salary Go to medical school, complete a residency, and you too can get a physician salary!
Nurse Practitioner "Physician-founded" scrubs company Jaanuu features a "Doctor" in its latest ad Call a spade a spade, and this "family primary care provider" for what he is - a midlevel, non-physician-provider.
News White Karen NP goes berserk on pregnant black patient who wanted a work note In the post-Roe v. Wade landscape of an America that has historically marginalized minority patients in healthcare, the mistreatment of black patients like Jillian by white midlevel nurse practitioners like Theresa Smigo cannot go unexcused or unpunished.
News Texas physician assistant arrested for unlawfully practicing medicine This rogue midlevel allegedly used the identities of other physicians and medical personnel to conceal his continued practice of medicine even though his PA license was suspended.
Physician Assistant Featured Physician assistant compares PPP president to a Nazi war criminal If your argument relies on comparing someone to a Nazi like Josef Mengele, you're just an asshole with zero credibility.
Stories Epilepsy patient and former phlebotomist recounts her mismanagement by a neurology NP An unsupervised nurse practitioner's negligence results in disastrous consequences for an epilepsy patient, including loss of her job and a trip to the ER for status epilepticus.
Stories Urgent care NP missed the diagnosis on myself, a pharmacist A midlevel nurse practitioner's failure to recognize a classic textbook diagnosis results in unnecessary suffering for a patient.
Stories Featured Dumb and Dumber: PMHNP student edition NP programs should require their students to take an IQ test before admission so that they don't become the laughingstock of healthcare.
Stories Liar, liar, pants on fire: PMHNP student edition This story from an NP group on Facebook provides a valuable glimpse into the types of bottom-feeding scum being accepted into NP schools these days.
Social Media Consults Cut out the middleman and consult Facebook yourself! If you really need all the help you can get, then maybe you should see a residency-trained, board-certified physician.
News Georgia NP sentenced to prison for complex telemedicine fraud scheme Fraudulent orders included a knee brace for a leg amputee.
Stories By all means, try intubating a preemie 11 times Sadly, the proliferation of incompetent midlevels in neonatal ICUs, particularly neonatal nurse practitioners, is all too common these days.
Noctor Where's the doctor at Dr. Pales Healthcare? This "doctor" pales in comparison to an actual physician.
Nurse Practitioner Racist Mississippi nurse practitioner puts the "N" in DNP RIP to this midlevel's reputation and career.
Physician Assistant PA student roleplays as "medical student" on LinkedIn Personally, we think "provider student" is a more appropriate title. NPs, PAs, physicians...they're all the same, right?
Stories NP sends homicidal and suicidal patient home because she didn’t want to force family to take them to the hospital Actively psychotic, suicidal, and homicidal. What could possibly go wrong when an NP is involved?
Stories Midlevels: A Pathologist’s Perspective A pathologist shares some memorable interactions with midlevel providers - memorable in all the wrong ways.
Social Media Consults "I am confused, what should I dx the patient with?" We're confused by the fact that midlevels like these are allowed near real patients.
Social Media Consults "Fairly new" PMHNP wants to know if her "scary med changes" are OK Narrator: This is *not* OK.